KMT-TPP alliance falters over polling - News Summed Up

KMT-TPP alliance falters over polling

KMT-TPP alliance falters over pollingCOLLABORATION STILL POSSIBLE: Ko and Eric Chu said that they would continue to negotiate, but did not indicate they would back down on their polling positionsAgenciesThe Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) yesterday failed to agree on a joint candidate for president, once again throwing into doubt their ability to unseat the ruling party in January’s election. The parties were expected to announce an agreed-upon candidate yesterday at 10am, but instead announced that they needed further consultations after a disagreement over how to use polling data to make the selection. As of yesterday, the parties were still unable to agree on how to interpret the polling data and whether landline-only polls should be used. Chu told a separate news conference that cooperation remained the aim, but did not indicate he would back down on the polls issue. A fourth candidate, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co (鴻海精密) founder Terry Gou (郭台銘), has thrown his hat in the ring as well.

Source: Taipei Times November 18, 2023 20:02 UTC

