Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is 'Cracking Jokes' After Breaking Ribs, Nephew Says - News Summed Up

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is 'Cracking Jokes' After Breaking Ribs, Nephew Says

“I can’t promise they were good jokes but they were jokes.”ReutersGinsburg was hospitalized in Washington after suffering three fractured ribs from a fall. Director Mimi Leder described the movie as the “origin story” of the justice, who became a hero among U.S. liberals. “I wanted to show someone who, when they’re younger, didn’t have all the answers,” Jones told Reuters on the red carpet. “She was making mistakes, finding out who she was, had a very young family, her husband wasn’t very well. Ginsburg and her husband successfully argued that the denial represented gender-based discrimination.

Source: Huffington Post November 09, 2018 09:45 UTC

