Days after Shah Rukh Khan announced the graduation of his daughter Suhana Khan, his Darr co-star Juhi Chawla has also shared the news of her daughter Jahnavi graduating from school. She also made a guest appearance in Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero last year. Meanwhile, Shah Rukh and wife Gauri flew to London to attend the graduation ceremony of daughter Suhana. — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 28, 2019Last day at school. To adding new experiences and colours to your life ahead.... — Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 28, 2019Also read: Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas arrive late at Paris Fashion Week, make Gal Gadot, Shailene Woodley wait.
Source: Hindustan Times July 02, 2019 04:06 UTC