Ruling on their divorce in 2015 Justice Holman told the businessman that his wealth contribution – which Work said totalled more than $300m in 10 years – was not “wholly exceptional” and rejected his claim to be a financial “genius”. “In our view the husband has failed to demonstrate that Holman J’s decision was wrong,” three court of appeal judges said. London has become known as the divorce capital of the world because British judges tend not to discriminate between breadwinner and homemaker and order equal splits of combined fortunes. “A successful claim to a special contribution requires some exceptional and individual quality in the spouse concerned. During the divorce hearing Holman had said the case “should be so easy” to settle as there was “plenty of money to go round” and criticised the couple for descending into “unedifying and destructive pugilism”.
Source: The Guardian April 11, 2017 13:07 UTC