Jim Chalmers reveals his shock health diagnosis - News Summed Up

Jim Chalmers reveals his shock health diagnosis

Mr Chalmers said he was diagnosed with a melanoma on his chest at the end of 2020 and is now speaking about it to bring awareness. 'I got especially complacent about a mark that I had on my chest that had been there for a while.' After the melanoma was surgically removed, Mr Chalmers said he suffered from some post-op 'dramas' in the wake of the discovery. Mr Chalmers said he was very aware of how badly things could've been if he didn't get the mark checked out. 'We cannot be complacent about these things; we've got to have these checks, we've got to put the sunscreen on and the rashie and the hats,' he said.

Source: The Nation January 06, 2023 06:02 UTC

