Jerry Summers: You Think Politics Is Bad Now. . . - News Summed Up

Jerry Summers: You Think Politics Is Bad Now. . .

“Thomas B. Macauley, for example, called Samuel Johnson “a common butt in the taverns of London. Some of our forefathers, like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, have become near-deities if you listen to the history books. General Charles Lee called Washington “that dark, designing, sordid, ambitious, vain, proud, arrogant and vindictive knave.” What a way to talk about “the Father of Our Country!”;6.) Lincoln didn’t think much of General George McClellan’s military skills so old George ran against him, saying, “The President is nothing more than a baboon. If you would succeed in politics, you must be solemn, solemn as a jackass.

Source: CNN March 18, 2023 12:26 UTC

