James Bond 25: Daniel Craig's team of aides on set - News Summed Up

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James Bond 25: Daniel Craig's team of aides on set

Bond 25 is Craig's fifth and final film, but it's also reported that producer Barbara Broccoli is doing all she can to get him to do one more 007 movie, despite him saying this is his last. Craig was seen earlier this week on set filming an action sequence behind the wheel of a blue Land Rover along with his French stunt double . Filming is taking place in the UK at Pinewood Studios and London as well as Matera, Italy for Bond 25 as well as Jamaica. Bond 25 still doesn't have a title, though it's rumoured to be Eclipse. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play nowBond 25 is released in cinemas on April 8, 2020.

Source: Daily Mirror May 01, 2019 13:03 UTC

