JANET STREET-PORTER: Boris Johnson's vaccine strategy was pure genius - News Summed Up

JANET STREET-PORTER: Boris Johnson's vaccine strategy was pure genius

Boris was late on lockdowns, faffed around over tiers and continued to issue contradictory and confusing advice for months on end. Contrast our detailed vaccine plan and steady rollout (even with local hiccups and shortages in supply) with the bumbling beaucracy within the EU. France - the home of the great micro-biologist Louis Pasteur - has failed to produce a single home-grown vaccine, much to the embarrassment of President Macron. As cases soar in Belgium and Portugal, for example, their governments have only ordered 213,000 and 263,000 doses of vaccine. There was a lot of Remainer-type tut-tutting at the time but it turns out to have been possibly the single most brilliant decision Boris has made since this crisis began.

Source: The Nation January 29, 2021 15:45 UTC

