It will be 'political indiscipline' to avoid the presidential debate - News Summed Up

It will be 'political indiscipline' to avoid the presidential debate

[Stafford Ondego, Standard]I have seen another political arrogance in Kenya - presidential candidates are slowly shutting down the presidential debate - a metaphorical equivalent of a presidential interview. The scare that William Ruto might snub the upcoming presidential debate, a decision that might influence Raila Odinga to withdraw, is 'political indiscipline'. If his astuteness is something to go by, then the 2022 presidential debate is crafted for his benefit. It is a platform for our presidential candidates to learn - the 2013 debate threw all the undecideds to Mohammed Abduba Dida whom many Kenyans saw for the first time on the 2013 presidential debate. Furthermore, a presidential debate is a 'come, let us reason together’ invite by the electorate, through mass media.

Source: Standard Digital June 10, 2022 11:55 UTC

