It stinks to high heaven when top cops are shilling pot: James - News Summed Up

It stinks to high heaven when top cops are shilling pot: James

Fantino, the macho, no-nonsense, law-and-order tough guy from Vaughan stood at a podium in his city Tuesday singing the virtues of — pot . His “come to Jesus moment” — though the Jesus crowd would consider it a “come to Satan moment” — was when he was veteran affairs minister, Fantino said. Opioids are legal, though more controlled than dope, and dope more controlled than alcohol and alcohol . Throughout his career, he was responsible for drugs and organized crime enforcement, national security, counter-terrorism and the prime minister’s security. In 2016, he was appointed to the federal government’s Marijuana Legalization Task Force.

Source: thestar November 15, 2017 01:28 UTC

