Investigators brave snow in hunt for clues over Russian plane crash - News Summed Up

Investigators brave snow in hunt for clues over Russian plane crash

World(AFP) Investigators scoured the scene Monday after a passenger plane crashed near Moscow minutes after take-off, killing all 71 people on board, in one of Russia's worst-ever plane crashes. An aerial view of Russian emergency vehicles arriving near the site of the crash of a passenger plane carrying 71 people near Moscow. A Swiss citizen and a citizen of Azerbaijan were among the fatalities on a list released by the emergency services ministry. The emergency services ministry said at least one of the two black boxes had been found. - Crash site in heavy snow -With wreckage of the plane spread over more than 30 hectares around the crash site, it will take a week to inspect the whole area, the emergency services ministry said.

Source: Sunday Times February 12, 2018 08:26 UTC

