Intriguing Collection of Gold Jewelry Found at Amarna Burial - News Summed Up

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Intriguing Collection of Gold Jewelry Found at Amarna Burial

The Woman with OrnamentsThe burial recently discovered in the Northern General Cemetery was of a woman wrapped in fabric and plant fiber. The Egyptian-English archaeological mission has unearthed a collection of gold jewelry at Tel el-Amarna, a pharaonic city south of Egypt. Speaking about the burial, Dr Stevens explained: “Her burial is located at the Amarna North Desert Cemetery in the low desert west of the North Tombs. As elsewhere in Egypt, necropolises and burial tombs with their abundant treasures and decorations are an extraordinary source of information about the culture of the period. There is also something endearingly timeless about finding the burial of a woman bedecked in death with her precious jewelry.

Source: Egypt Today December 14, 2022 22:06 UTC

