Jim (and GBN): Good thought about the NY Times Paywall - my device had problems loading some of thephotos that were posted with the article. I sometimes try to retain items such as this in my History - troubleis that each time that I may view this it counts up towards any free articles by month - hence a "reset"... Anyone who has had an opportunity to visit the NYC Transit Coney Island and 207th Street Shops (I havebeen to both during either Open Houses and by NRHS Chapter invitation) and taken their tour understandhow important that they both are to keeping the NYC Subway car fleet up and running especially all of themechanics and crafts workers of all types - they are the best at what they do behind the scenes at NYCT...Good preventative and agressive maintenance has helped the NYC Subway system climb out of the "hole"that the system was in when it hit rock bottom during the 1970s...It took until at least the second half of the1980s to get the Subway car fleet upgraded with new and rebuilt cars - hard to believe that the author ofthis article describes the R62 cars as old remembering them well when they were new compared to thetired and worn-out IRT cars that they replaced - 1986 if I am correct...I am a big proponent of the use ofstainless steel for all types of passenger rail cars beginning with the products of the Budd Company...MACTRAXXEXPRESS TRAIN TO NEW YORK PENN STATION-NO JAMAICA ON THIS TRAIN-PLEASE STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING TRAIN DOORS
Source: New York Times March 02, 2024 02:01 UTC