Inside The Holy Restoration of Houston’s Rothko Chapel - News Summed Up

Inside The Holy Restoration of Houston’s Rothko Chapel

Inside the Rothko Chapel, light sifts through an oculus overhead, casting the newly restored space in a soft glow. As the sun shifts in the sky, so do the colors in the paintings by Mark Rothko that hang on the walls. From the purple, black and crimson canvases emerge glints of ruby and plum, tinges of green and aubergine. This interfaith sanctuary, in a residential section of Houston’s Montrose area, was the vision of art patrons John and Dominique de Menil. They believed modern art was a powerful portal for spirituality, and in 1964, they commissioned Rothko to create a chapel that would become a space for all people...

Source: Wall Street Journal September 08, 2020 12:22 UTC

