Inside Photos: Yami Gautam-Aditya Dhar break the internet with wedding announcement, actor stuns in bridal lehenga In a joint statement, the Yami and Aditya said that being very private people, they celebrated the joyous occasion with their immediate family. Let’s take a look at some inside photos of Yami Gautam-Aditya Dhar’s intimate wedding. Yami Gautam-Aditya Dhar announced the news on Instagram1/5 Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar broke the wedding news on their respective Instagram handles. Yami Gautam amid pre-wedding rituals with her family member2/5 Here, Yami Gautam can be seen amid a pre-wedding ritual. Yami Gautam looks breathtaking in red bridal attire3/5 In the photo, Yami Gautam looks absolutely stunning as the new bride.
Source: dna June 04, 2021 16:52 UTC