Inflation to top central bank’s agenda - News Summed Up

Inflation to top central bank’s agenda

Inflation to top central bank’s agendaMONETARY POLICY: Central bank governor Yang Chin-long said that his biggest concern is core CPI, as a high reading would suggest sticky inflationary pressuresBy Crystal Hsu / Staff reporterCore consumer prices would top the list of concerns when the central bank revisits its monetary policy next month, as headline inflation has held steady while core readings continue to rise, Governor Yang Chin-long (楊金龍) said yesterday. Yang shared his views on inflation and other economic issues while taking questions from lawmakers during a legislative hearing in Taipei, ahead of the central bank’s next board meeting on June 15. Central bank Governor Yang Chin-long speaks during a legislative session in Taipei yesterday. If core CPI climbs higher, the central bank could raise interest rates again to tame inflation, although it would also take the nation’s economic health into consideration, he said. Dining costs, once risen, have little chance of falling before the year-on-year comparison effect fades, Yang said, responding to comments the central bank has failed to rein in inflation.

Source: Taipei Times May 24, 2023 21:45 UTC

