Industry 4.0 can either empower women or widen inequality, says Shahrizat - News Summed Up

Industry 4.0 can either empower women or widen inequality, says Shahrizat

Wanita Umno chief Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said women globally continue to strive and hope to be part of the political scene despite the low representation. “In the world today, only 23 per cent of national parliamentarians are women, and only 18.3 per cent are government ministers. She said some countries such as Argentina and Mauritius are already making a leap to enable equal access to women in political leadership. “This environment where the development of innovations largely revolves around technology, must see both women leaders and politicians keeping up with the Industry 4.0 knowledge,” she said. She said as the digital world constantly evolves, women actively involved in politics must know issues such as Industry 4.0, especially when this industry presents both opportunities and challenges as it can either empower women or widen inequality.

Source: New Strait Times December 04, 2017 11:26 UTC

