Indigenous land conflict increased by 70,300 hectares in 2023 — report - News Summed Up

Indigenous land conflict increased by 70,300 hectares in 2023 — report

Indigenous land conflict increased by 70,300 hectares in 2023 — reportThis file photo shows members of national minority groups symbolically sentence American troops, represented by the chicken, to death. The Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (LRC) shared in its 2023 State of Indigenous Peoples Address (SIPA 2023) Report their findings, emphasizing a surge in land and environmental conflicts. The report cited data from the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), highlighting low success rates in recognizing and safeguarding ancestral domains. "26 years after the passage of the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act, the government’s adherence to the Regalian Doctrine continues to undermine its meaningful implementation even with no less than the 1987 constitution’s guarantees to indigenous peoples’ right," Dulce said. 'Increase of rights abuses'The report noted a surge in alleged human rights violations, documenting at least 45,070 affected IPs.

Source: Philippine Star December 09, 2023 16:20 UTC

