Pakistan on Wednesday rejected India’s new Army chief’s statement that New Delhi reserves the right to “pre-emptively strike” across the Line of Control (LoC), terming the remarks as “irresponsible”. In an exclusive interview to PTI barely hours after taking charge of the 1.3-million strong force, Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane on Tuesday said India reserves the right to “pre-emptively strike” at sources of terror. He asserted that a “new normal” in the country’s response mechanism to acts of cross-border terrorism has already been “emphatically” displayed. “Despite India’s provocations, Pakistan would continue contributing to all efforts of promoting peace, security and stability in the region and beyond,” the statement said. Reacting sharply to India’s decision, Pakistan downgraded diplomatic ties with New Delhi and expelled India’s ambassador in Islamabad.
Source: The Hindu January 02, 2020 01:17 UTC