India was looking to construct barbed wire fences inside the 150-yard no man’s land at Lalmonirhat’s Tin Bigha Corridor, Naogaon’s Patnitala and three other places, Jahangir Alam said on Sunday. India stopped work after the BGB took a firm stand.”Referring to the 1972 India-Bangladesh Treaty of Friendship, Jahangir Alam said: “None of us [Bangladesh or India] can establish anything with defence capability or potentiality inside this 150 yards. The second point is if any of us wants to carry out development work inside the 150 yard Zero Line, we have to take each other’s consent. Our government gave them so many opportunities.”In this period, India placed barbed wire fencing at 160 locations while issues remained at 78 other places. He said: “We interfere if they want to fence the border but legally we can’t do that.
Source: bd News24 January 12, 2025 13:46 UTC