India-Africa trade gains momentum, projected to cross $100 billion in 2024 – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

India-Africa trade gains momentum, projected to cross $100 billion in 2024 – The North Africa Post

Trade between India and Africa increased by 9.3% between fiscal year 2021/2022 and 2022/2023, reaching $98 billion, according to India’s external affairs minister, as more than 30 African countries have benefited from India’s duty-free tariff preference (DFTP) scheme for least-developed countries. Drinking water, irrigation, rural solar electrification plants and rural sugar and textile factories are part of India’s development outreach to the continent. The minister also pointed to India’s medical support to numerous African nations during the pandemic as a case of India’s continued outreach to the country. He also spoke of how Indian and African nations worked together during the pandemic to go to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for vaccine access. “For India, the rise of Africa is key to global rebalancing.” Jaishankar said.

Source: The North Africa Journal November 20, 2023 10:36 UTC

