In exam, most students choose to run coffee shopJUNIOR-HIGH ESSAY: Others were more original, with one student saying that he would open an eatery, as cooking noodles brought him and his grandfather closerBy Rachel Lin / Staff reporterMost junior-high school students would open a coffee shop if they were to run their own business, the writing test in this year’s Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students showed. The subject of this year’s writing test was if they were to open a shop, what kind would it be? Students answer questions at a school in Taipei on May 17, the second day of the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students. A student from New Taipei Municipal Zhong-Zheng Junior High School wrote that he would like to inherit his father’s laser etching store, Lee said. A student at Taipei’s Chinghsin Academy Affiliated Junior High School said that they would like to set up a shop selling memories, Lee said.
Source: Taipei Times June 07, 2020 15:56 UTC