Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 9:01 pm, May 2nd, 2024 - 155 commentsCategories: climate change, greens, julie anne genter, national, politicans, same old national, transport - Tags:From the looks of it yesterday Green MP Julie Anne Genter may have had the sort of day at work which many of us have. Here is RNZ’s short description of what happened:As MPs were debating roading projects as part of the Annual Review – Transport on Wednesday night, Genter rose from her seat and walked across the chamber towards National’s Matt Doocey. That event involved an allegation that National MP Tim Van Der Molen had acted inapropriately towards Labour MP Shannan Halbert. Shannan Halbert attempted to resolve this particular issue privately with Van Der Molen but Van Der Molen refused to accept that he had done anything wrong. I hope Julie Anne Genter gets a break, gets her head together and gets back to talk about the importance of urban form, sustainable transport and looking after our environment.
Source: New Zealand Herald May 03, 2024 03:14 UTC