In a world where our heads are planted in our screen, an initiative encourages us to look up and speak - News Summed Up

In a world where our heads are planted in our screen, an initiative encourages us to look up and speak

In the following six minutes, Rani conveyed her sense of resentment and anguish that her parents had pushed her aside. We were in Coimbatore, at a session of ‘Stories Worth Sharing’ or SWS, an initiative started by Himanshu Poswal and Mohit Munjal, two college students from Delhi. Their aim is to “revive human contact” in a world where most people live almost entirely in the virtual space. Come and talkIn 2016, Poswal and Munjal, both 21 now, decided to start a Facebook page to share positive stories. “These stories may not have changed the world, but they changed one person’s world.” That’s why Rani mustered up the courage to share.

Source: The Hindu May 19, 2018 10:52 UTC

