In a crowded Plaza, CFK spoke of her achievements but not the elections - News Summed Up

In a crowded Plaza, CFK spoke of her achievements but not the elections

Vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner delivered a speech today under the rain in front of thousands of people in Plaza de Mayo, a landmark site in Argentina’s political history. In her hour-long presentation, Kirchner, commonly known as CFK, spoke of the achievements she and her husband’s administrations accomplished, but offered no hint as to who the Frente de Todos (FdT) coalition candidate should be. President Alberto Fernández, who is estranged from Kirchner, did not attend, while Economy Minister and potential candidate Sergio Tomás Massa was present. We need added value and technology in order to have quality jobs and good wages, which is what the country needs. (…) The country needs to recover a Judicial Power that has evaporated among the tricks of a clique unworthy of Argentine history,” she said, in regards to the judiciary and the Supreme Court.

Source: Bueno Aires Herald May 25, 2023 21:20 UTC

