In North Africa: Al-Qaeda ally releases video showing Swiss hostage alive - SITE - News Summed Up

In North Africa: Al-Qaeda ally releases video showing Swiss hostage alive - SITE

Al-Qaeda's affiliate in North Africa released Tuesday a new proof-of-life video of Swiss missionary Beatrice Stockly, held hostage in Mali by the group since last January, US-based monitoring group SITE said. The Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) video, which lasts two minutes and 17 seconds, was posted on social media sites Telegram and Twitter, according to SITE. She says the date of the recording is December 31, 2016, and that she has been held hostage by AQIM for 360 days. In late January 2016, AQIM claimed responsibility in a video for Stockly's kidnapping, which it said took place on January 7. AQIM released a second similar video in mid-June aimed at proving she was still alive.

Source: The North Africa Journal January 11, 2017 01:19 UTC

