Ichung'wah Distances Himself From Uhuru's Economic Strategies - News Summed Up

Ichung'wah Distances Himself From Uhuru's Economic Strategies

During the interview, Ichung'wah alleged that during his stint as Budget Committee Chairperson, Uhuru asked him to do illegal things leading to their fallout. Former President Uhuru Kenyatta addressing residents of Machakos County at a stopover on November 19, 2023. Ichung'wah also dared Uhuru to meet up with him so that he could repeat his accusations to his face. The Kenya Kwanza MP further remarked that the Kenya Kwanza government would form a Commission to investigate State Capture during Uhuru's tenure. On Monday, Ichung'wah accused Uhuru of interfering with the Bipartisan Talks to stop the dialogue from reaching an amicable conclusion.

Source: Daily Nation November 28, 2023 12:53 UTC

