ISIS weapons being captured by Canadian woman working to disarm terrorists - News Summed Up

ISIS weapons being captured by Canadian woman working to disarm terrorists

The discovery of the ISIS machine is credited to the Iraqi Army’s 9th Division, after which Devin Morrow, a technical adviser with Conflict Armament Research, analyzed the machine. Expand / Contract Morrow inspects ammunition and mortars captured from ISIS during the Mosul offensive. (Conflict Armament Research )Once a weapon is captured from ISIS, Morrow and her team begin their investigation -- snapping photographs of the items and examining each weapon's markings and serial number. (Conflict Armament Research )"We don’t rely on secondary information. Expand / Contract ISIS-produced bombs (Conflict Armament Research )Other weapons and equipment are more recently produced, including those made by the terror network itself.

Source: Fox News April 27, 2017 13:18 UTC

