IHC judge levels serious allegations against security agencies - News Summed Up

IHC judge levels serious allegations against security agencies

Justic­e Siddiq­ui accuse­s agenci­es of manipu­lating judici­al proces­sIslamabad High Court (IHC) Judge Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui made serious allegations against the country’s premier intelligence agency in a no-holds-barred speech at the Rawalpindi Bar Association on Saturday. Justice Siddiqui, who is currently facing disciplinary proceedings at the Supreme Judicial Council for an array of allegations, accused the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, of manipulating the judicial proceedings. Justice Siddiqui alleged that the agency did not want him [Justice Siddiqui] to sit on any bench hearing the applications of the Sharifs. The incumbent IHC chief justice, Muhammad Anwar Khan Kasi, is expected to retire in November this year. Justice Siddiqui also said that 50 per cent responsibility of the country’s “current affairs lies with the judiciary while other institutions are responsible for the rest”.

Source: The Express Tribune July 21, 2018 16:07 UTC

