Rishi Kapoor felt overwhelmed after watching the trailer of Sanju as his son and actor Ranbir Kapoor’s work in the film left him feeling proud. Sanju is a biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt (essayed by Ranbir), directed by Rajkumar Hirani. “The way Rajkumar Hirani has presented Ranbir is the biggest superb thing, the boy has really done well. I swear on (wife) Neetu and Ranbir, I did not think it was Ranbir, I thought it was Sanjay Dutt,” said Rishi after watching the trailer, read a statement. The first appearance of Ranbir from the jail, I thought it was Sanjay Dutt,” he added.
Source: Hindustan Times May 28, 2018 13:18 UTC