I got so much stick after Graham Taylor stuck me on the left wing for England that I retired, reveals BRYAN ROBSON… and Fergie was delighted! - News Summed Up

I got so much stick after Graham Taylor stuck me on the left wing for England that I retired, reveals BRYAN ROBSON… and Fergie was delighted!

Playing for England in a major tournament, it's rare if you're not under fire from the media or fans. Then I got that much flak after being played out of position under Graham Taylor that I decided to quit international football. The problem for me came in 1991, when Taylor played me on the left wing in a European Championship qualifier against Turkey. Yet Terry used the reaction in the media to bring the group even closer. Criticism comes with the England territory, Gareth knows not to listen too much to the reaction.

Source: Metro June 27, 2024 13:20 UTC

