Bollywood actor revealed that former girlfriend Priyanka Chopra invited him to her wedding but not Kareena KapoorBollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has revealed that his rumoured former girlfriend Priyanka Chopra invited him to her wedding with Nick Jonas last year. Shahid was speaking to Neha Dhupia on her chat show BFFs with Vogue when he spilled the beans on all of his former girlfriends, reported Mumbai Mirror. I don’t think I was invited,” he apprehensively said during the interview. When asked to pick the better co-star between Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, Shahid reportedly named Deepika and said, “I guess that’s because she and I needed to connect for our respective characters. He also said he was offered a key role in 2006 hit Rang De Basanti and regrets not doing it.
Source: The Express Tribune June 12, 2019 10:52 UTC