I Just Learned What Time They Actually Start Drinking On Saturday Kitchen, And Wow - News Summed Up

I Just Learned What Time They Actually Start Drinking On Saturday Kitchen, And Wow

But if we want to talk about boozy food shows, surely Saturday Kitchen should come to our mind first. But a listener to behind-the-scenes showbiz podcast The Rest Is Entertainment wanted to ask co-host Richard Osman, who’d appeared on the BBC show, when the drinking really kicks off. Even though the drinking starts early, Richard stressed that “the truth is you don’t drink an awful lot of it.”“You don’t eat a lot of the food either,” he added. “You only have a little sip,” he said, explaining that his wine glass was taken away from him after a certain point. We really knocked those back.”“By the end of that, everyone was kind of like, ‘OK, that’s interesting...’” he revealed.

Source: Huffington Post October 08, 2024 09:43 UTC

