Huawei planning major job cuts in US: WSJ - News Summed Up

Huawei planning major job cuts in US: WSJ

Huawei planning major job cuts in US: WSJChinese telecoms firm Huawei has been a sticking point in trade talks between the United States and China. WASHINGTON - Chinese telecoms giant Huawei, which is subject to US sanctions over concerns about its ties to the government in Beijing, is planning to make major job cuts at its US operations, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday. The unit currently employs 850 people at several labs in the United States, but hundreds of them could be laid off, the report said. Huawei -- a leader in next-generation 5G wireless technology -- remained barred from developing 5G networks in the United States, and the Trump administration is trying to convince its allies to do the same. Last week, Monaco became the first European country to roll out a 5G network based on Huawei technology.

Source: Bangkok Post July 15, 2019 00:45 UTC

