Debbie Staley, Jes Staley’s wife, could be turning her back on the British weather sooner than she might have expected as fresh revelations raise questions about Barclays’ attempts to improve its cultureLess than a fortnight ago at a company dinner in Mayfair John McFarlane, chairman of Barclays, joked that the bank was considering moving to the Bahamas because the Brazilian wife of its American chief executive did not like the weather in London. In an offbeat and often rambling speech, Mr McFarlane made light of the lender’s run-ins with the authorities, suggesting that as well as the Caribbean, New York might be a good home for the bank because of the “proximity to the justice department”. It is doubtful after yesterday’s revelations over the apparent behaviour of Jes Staley, the bank’s chief executive, whether its Scottish chairman would give such a colourful address again. Indeed, Debbie Staley, Mr Staley’s wife, could be turning her back on…
Source: The Times April 10, 2017 22:52 UTC