How to prepare for the big snowstorm about to hit the Maritimes - News Summed Up

How to prepare for the big snowstorm about to hit the Maritimes

Plan to be stranded in your home for three days and nights when a winter storm hits and you'll never be disappointed. Jason Mew, director of provincial operations for Nova Scotia's Emergency Management Office, urged people to prepare for long power outages and no outside help ahead of a snowstorm predicted to hit the Maritimes Thursday and Friday. Write the Nova Scotia Power outages phone number down on paper (it's 1-877-428-6004). "Where there could be some power outages, you want to make sure you have some gasoline on hand if you happen to have a generator. Secondary routes should be clear in 12 hours and tertiary routes, including most residential streets, should be clear within 24 hours.

Source: CBC News January 03, 2018 11:28 UTC

