How to code a painting - News Summed Up
How to code a painting

How to code a painting

July 25, 2017 15:56 UTC

Trending Today

How to code a painting

“Our biggest job is to convince [parents] that a [creative] portfolio carries just as much weight as a transcript,” he says. They opened Skyrock Projects, which features an original curriculum, as a supplement to formal schooling,“Usually companies start the same way — with a frustration,” Thomas says. Do you need this skill in your office?’”CREATIVE CONFIDENCETo be successful at Skyrock Projects, the students need to develop what Thomas calls “creative confidence.”“You can do whatever you want,” Thomas says. That’s a really powerful thing people don’t get taught in school,” Thomas says. One group has drawn a floor plan of the school and connected it to a laptop via a computer board.

Source: Taipei Times July 25, 2017 15:56 UTC

