How investors can support entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa - News Summed Up

How investors can support entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa

The potential for entrepreneurship in the region is high, based on digital consumption and a startling increase in investment funding for startups. The Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region is one of the most digitally connected in the world: across countries, an average of 88 per cent of the population is online daily, and 94 per cent of the population owns a smartphone. Despite this sizable appetite for online content and services, key digital sectors remain nascent, and entrepreneurship potential is yet to be fully tapped. Corporate-venture-capital (CVC) funds, in particular, are rapidly emerging in the evolving Mena investment ecosystem. The appropriate adoption of best practices in venture investing can create significant value for investors, promising new businesses, and the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region.

Source: The North Africa Journal April 04, 2019 00:00 UTC

