How Zoom calls with GPs are helping to end the epidemic of wounds that never heal - News Summed Up

How Zoom calls with GPs are helping to end the epidemic of wounds that never heal

Chronic wounds – ulcers and cuts, usually on the legs and feet, that fail to heal – cost the NHS £5 billion every year. Then we give step- by-step advice about how to do so over the phone or via video calls. Unless treatment is given rapidly, to both cover the wound and improve the circulation in the legs, the ulcer may not heal. Scores of patients were found to be waiting two months for an initial referral to a nurse specialist, by which time amputation may be the only option. Despite being a ‘bit squeamish’, former dental nurse Pat admits she has excelled herself in changing the dressing on her husband’s left foot, where an ulcer had developed.

Source: Daily Mail July 11, 2020 21:03 UTC

