How 'Always Sunny' Owns Funny On FXX - News Summed Up

How 'Always Sunny' Owns Funny On FXX

The current season of the cult classic has already sparked 8,394 Emotional Reactions (ERs) on Twitter (out of 20,561 total tweets captured by Nielsen), with 42.1% of ERs expressing love, according to Canvs, the language analytics company. The episode prompted 5,260 ERs, with 45.9% of tweets captured by Nielsen expressing some sort of emotion. The top emotion was love, accounting for 43.6% of ERs, with fans expressing their adoration for the unexpected format that pushed the boundaries. Love still dominated, generating over 42% of ERs, with funny also accounting for 14.5%. Another top emotion was brilliant, which generated 8.7% of ERs, and mainly referenced the show’s cast and creators.

Source: Forbes January 21, 2017 01:54 UTC

