WHAT IS AFDD+AFDD+ stands for Arc Fault Detection Device, offers a comprehensive protective solution against fires triggered by arc faults. The device detects arc faults and automatically trips to help prevent electrical fires through continuous electronic cable monitoring. WHY EATON’S AFDD+Eaton’s AFDD+ is the industry’s first protection device that provides a combination of three levels of protection, i.e., (MCB+RCD+AFDD) without compromising basic protections. Green, no arc fault occurred1x yellow, serial arc fault2x yellow, serial arc fault of dimmed load3x yellow, parallel arc fault4x yellow, overload > 270V5x yellow, over-temperature in device >115°C6x yellow, device failure, testing requiredCONCLUDED OUTCOMESuppose you want complete protection against electrical hazards. As a result, it gives electricians a more efficient tool for ensuring customer safety, putting at their disposal a state-of-the-art arc fault detection device that also complies fully with all applicable standards.
Source: MetroXpress September 01, 2021 08:03 UTC