Hospital Authority calls on people to register as organ donors on Organ Donation Day - News Summed Up

Hospital Authority calls on people to register as organ donors on Organ Donation Day

Hospital Authority calls on people to register as organ donors on Organ Donation DayThe Hospital Authority on Saturday - the city’s Organ Donation Day - called on people to register as organ donors, adding that over 2,400 end-stage renal disease patients in Hong Kong are waiting for kidney transplants as of September this year. The Authority believed that conservative local cultures are still major barriers to organ donation, leading to suboptimal donation rates in recent years. However, it noted that the number of registrations for organ donation has slowly been increasing in recent months, and they urge citizens to support the cause. It said the process affects the patients' daily lives, also quoting patients who underwent kidney transplants who say they were given a new lease on life after the transplant. The SAR government has designated the second Saturday of November every year as Organ Donation Day.

Source: The Standard November 11, 2023 20:17 UTC

