Hong Kong police fire tear gas at rally after protesters attack plainclothes agents - News Summed Up

Hong Kong police fire tear gas at rally after protesters attack plainclothes agents

Police said some protesters began vandalizing buildings and tossing water bottles at officers, prompting them to cancel the event. ADThe plainclothes officers told organizers that the rally was being called off at about 4 p.m., according to Ventus Lau, a member of the Hong Kong Civil Assembly Team. A group of protesters chased injured and bleeding plainclothes officers across the street, where they attempted to find safety in a building. Backed by an armored vehicle and water cannons, police raced down the nearby streets to clear protesters. One district councilor held up photos of plainclothes officers and asked Tang whether he himself could identify them.

Source: Washington Post January 19, 2020 11:45 UTC

