In Dil Bechara title track, Sushant Singh Rajput donned a Reggie Miller Indiana Pacers jersey. For the same, Ekalavyas, India’s leading basketball media company took to their Instagram page and posted the teaser from Dil Bechara featuring Sushant. Well, they succeeded and Reggie commented on the post by writing, "He stole my moves." To all who tagged @reggiemillertnt in the previous post Graphic by @hoopman34 #DilBechara #IndianaPacers #ReggieMiller #BollywoodMeetBasketball #SushantSingh #RIPSushant #RIPSushantSinghRajput #RIPSushantSinghRajput #NBAonEkalavyas #SushantSinghRajput #NBA #IndiaBasketball #India #Hickory @castingchhabra #AmitabhBhattacharya @sonymusicindia @foxstarhindi @disneyplushsvip #DilBecharaTitleTrack". Check out both the posts below:'Dil Bechara' song is crooned and composed by A R Rahman.
Source: dna July 12, 2020 13:07 UTC