The incident took place at the Korbanpur village under Muradnagar upazila of Comilla on Sunday afternoon, creating panic among the community. The office of the local Union Parishad Chairman Bankumar Shiv and the house of accused, Shankar Debnath, were set on fire. More than 10 Hindu households were attacked, vandalized, and torched. According to locals, Shankar Debnath, a local of the village, on Saturday, reportedly commented on a Facebook post related to France defending cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and showed his support. Speaking to Dhaka Tribune, Comilla Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) DSB Azimul Ahsan said: “A group of locals of Korbanpur village torched the office of local Union Parishad Chairman Bankumar Shiv, the house of Shankar Debnath, and also vandalized several other Hindu households on Sunday afternoon.
Source: Dhaka Tribune November 01, 2020 17:24 UTC