Himachal Pradesh apple growers are facing scab and apple blotch leafminer - News Summed Up

Himachal Pradesh apple growers are facing scab and apple blotch leafminer

In Himachal Pradesh, apple growers are facing issues with scab and apple blotch leafminer in their orchards. Field inspections have revealed the presence of scab on both leaves and, in some cases, on the immature fruits of apple plants in areas such as Janjelhi in Mandi and Jubbal in Shimla. Additionally, the apple blotch leafminer, previously a concern primarily in Jammu and Kashmir, has begun to affect orchards in Himachal Pradesh. Vikas Rohta highlighted the urgency of addressing scab, which can be treated effectively if managed promptly. He also pointed out the emergence of apple blotch leafminer in the region, a challenge for which the state's response mechanisms are currently underprepared.

Source: Indian Express June 27, 2024 12:17 UTC

