While interacting with a few army officials, he was asked who his favourite actress was apart from wife Katrina Kaif. Vicky Kaushal spills the beans on his and wife Katrina Kaif’s favorite movies of each otherDuring a promotional activity for Sam Bahadur, Vicky joined a few army personnel for a candid conversation. Vicky Kaushal added that just like the army, he also has his eyes set on a single mission, and that is his wife Katrina. When the officer asked him to then name a male actor, Vicky quickly responded, “Bachchan saab (Amitabh Bachchan). In an earlier event for Sam Bahadur, someone asked him if his actor-wife Katrina Kaif helped him in the preparation for the role.
Source: Indian Express November 15, 2023 18:11 UTC