Hezbollah's revenge for Beirut killing: Will it lead to war? – DW – 01 - News Summed Up

Hezbollah's revenge for Beirut killing: Will it lead to war? – DW – 01

The leader of a powerful Lebanese militia has said it will take revenge for an alleged Israeli assassination in Beirut. A retail assistant, 45, in the Lebanese capital believes Hezbollah provides a useful deterrent that prevents the Israel military from entering Lebanon. In 2006, the Israeli military and Hezbollah fought a damaging 34-day war in Lebanon after Hezbollah abducted several Israeli soldiers. "The irreducible purpose of Hezbollah's estimated 150,000 rockets is to deter Israel from a massive attack on Iran — or to retaliate for a massive Israeli attack on Iran." In his speech, Hezbollah's Nasrallah suggested the al-Arouri killing would allow Israeli politicians to claim a victory of sorts.

Source: The Guardian January 04, 2024 20:47 UTC

