Heroes needed: give blood - News Summed Up
Heroes needed: give blood

Heroes needed: give blood

June 25, 2023 14:04 UTC

Trending Today

Heroes needed: give blood

There has been a concerning shortfall in blood donations in recent weeks, and the upcoming holiday could put a further strain on donations, as millions celebrate with family vacations and other seasonal activities. Donors of all blood types, especially those with type B negative or O negative blood, are needed. All who come to give blood, platelets or plasma from July 1 to July 11 will receive an exclusive Red Cross dry bag (while supplies last). By scheduling and keeping appointments right now, donors can help ensure patients relying on blood donations also get to enjoy their summer. To schedule an appointment to donate, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call (800) RED CROSS (800-733-2767).

Source: The Nation June 25, 2023 14:04 UTC

