Heal yourself - News Summed Up
Heal yourself

Heal yourself

April 02, 2019 08:15 UTC

Trending Today

Heal yourself

Against a clinical white background is a plate, and on it a pill; steel fork and knife set on either side. This is one of Rachna Chhachhi, nutrition therapist and certified cancer coach’s tweets, which she hashtags with #foodismedicine and #refusetofallill. One of the key risk factors for non-communicable diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes) is inflammation within the body. This can be caused by stressors such as pollution, junk food, the lack of exercise, and other lifestyle habits. Combined with obesity and consistently high levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), this is “a welcoming environment for diseases” like cancer, she says.

Source: The Hindu April 02, 2019 08:15 UTC

